• admin@embedclogic.com

Compiler Setup and Installation

To write a program you need an editor and compiler. The editor will provide a platform where you can write your program and compiler will compile this program and generate executable.An editor with a built-in compiler is known as IDE(Integrated Development Environment).

There are so many Integrated Development Environment(editor+Compiler) available for C programming according to your system.

IDE for Windows User

I will recommend Code Block for windows user.

Installation Steps

click on the link   for code-block software and download the highlighted link as shown in the image.

  1. Run the downloaded codeblocks-16.01-setup.exe file and follow the next instruction until the finish.
  2. You can see an icon of codeblocks on your desktop.
  3. start the software by double click on that Icon.

Steps To create Project

Step 1:

Go to File -> new and select project.

Step 2:

Select category of Application Console

Step 3:

Select programming language.

Step 4:

Give project name (ex- hello world) and browse for project directory (your project folder where binary and *.exe will generate after compilation).

and finish.

Step 5:

Write your program in main.c file.

Step 6:  

Build your program with ctrl+f9 and Run with the ctrl+f10 key.

Note:  If you are getting some error related to missing compiler in its path then just Go to setting ->Toolchain executable -> click on Autodetect